Description: A famously powerful grenade, the Thermal Detonator is capable of destroying everything within a 5 meter radius! It's known however that custom models can reach anything up to 100 meters! Due to their sheer strength, they are strongly regulated for military use only, yet criminals and crafty Bounty Hunters always find ways of aquiring them...
Commands are:
- HOLD - Draw a grenade and just hold it, good for poses -
- TGF - Lob a grenade forwards -
- TGL - Lob a grenade to the left -
- TGR - Lob a grenade to the right -
- G1 - Show off your grenades by tossing one in the air -
Works for both MALE and FEMALE avatars, but is one for each end of the catalog.
Requested by TeraNightstar.

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