Ahoy Matey!

These here be pirate waters!

There's always barrels of stuff sitting around on a pirate ship

What's in the barrel you ask?

Well Matey, I'm not really sure...

I think I will leave it up to you to figure that one out.

The poses come with the barrel.

The barrel matches the wood and metal on my Pirate Ship and all the accessories.

So what are you waiting for? Hoist the mainsail, raise the yardarm.. or, do whatever it is that you do with yardarms... And get to plundering, pillaging, and if you still have time, throw in some looting!

Attention Delusional Flaggers

Please note - This product is a virtual product. It is a two dimensional representation of a real-life three dimensional object, namely, a wooden barrel - that is rendered on a computer monitor. It does not, and cannot actually "contain" anything. If this concept eludes you, and you are delusional enough to think that there is actually something in the barrel, I would suggest that you seek therapy immediately. In the mean time, if it helps you to sleep better at night until a team of pshrinks can help you understand the difference between reality and fantasy - the barrel is full of fresh wholesome milk. OK? Now you should have nothing to worry about, except possibly the lack of refrigeration and spoilage. Not my problem. If you're that worried about it, call the American Dairy Association at 800-292-MILK, or visit them on the web at http://www.drink-milk.com/home.html

This is a recolor of IMVU's original pirate barrel. I loved their barrel, but after many, many nights at sea under a full moon, I found that they simply did not use enough color to make it look the way I wanted it to.

Also available are:

A Pirate Ship! Cursed? Now thats just a rumor.... ;)
A Treasure Chest filled with gems, jewelry, and gold!
A Deck Cannon
A beautifully upholstered Captain's Chair
A Fire Basket with animated flames - Yep, it can feel chilly at night, even in tropical waters!
And of course, the Ship's Wheel. You don't want to run aground, do you? Gotta have a way to steer!

You can find all these items by clicking the Pirate Banner below.

Click here to find more Pirate Booty! (umm, not that kind - as in, Treasure ;) )

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Please be sure to check out my other products by clicking on my banner.

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Products by Dan 142

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