FEMALE COMPATIBILITY ONLY! this will not work for male avatars.

medusa's tail, trigger words are:

Swish your tail 'swish' Sway your tail 'sway' Give them a WARNING 'hiss' You can use 'swishloop' and 'swayloop' to have the Tail movement Looping Forever. 'hisss' for a LOUD, disturbing hiss!

Medusa, one of the three Gorgons, daughter of Phorcys and Ceto. She was the only one of the Gorgons who was subject to mortality. She is celebrated for her personal charms and the beauty of her locks. Neptune became enamoured of her, and obtained her favours in the temple of Minerva. This violation of the sanctity of the temple provoked Minerva, and she changed the beautiful locks of Medusa, which had inspired Neptune’s love, to serpents. Her body was also covered with impenetrable scales. Medusa's very gaze had the power of killing or turning one to stone.

Perseus rendered his name immortal by his conquest of Medusa. He cut off her head, and the blood that dropped from the wound produced the innumerable serpents that infest Africa. The conqueror placed Medusa's head on the shield of Minerva, which he had used in his expedition. The head still retained the same petrifying power as before.


the destroyer of worlds.
find the entire Medusa set in my catalog!