Large Fireplace. Easily scales for massive rooms. Perfect for pictures, holiday wreaths, stockings, candles or other items. (See pictures below.) When used at the downloaded size or smaller, display table items can be lifted and placed on the lower mantle level by using the Shift and Control keys in conjunction with the Move and Rotate Furniture Commands. If wall nodes are in close proximity, it is also possible to put picture frames in the middle section and sometimes even position display items on the higher tiers.

Add an animated fire (click here), sold separately, to make your room even more cozy!

Shown below at the size when downloaded into room. Scaled it larger or smaller as needed. Avatar not included.

Shown below at regular downloaded size in AnakaTarren's White Marble Castle and also shown scaled to a larger size. (Can be scaled even larger if desired.) Both are shown with AnakaTarren's firelogs (click here), sold separately.

See my homepage for Basic and Advanced Furniture tutorials with pictures. Note that display table items can be scaled and lifted off of the floor to fit on the lower mantle shelf. Regular picture frames (as shown on the larger size fireplace) can be made to fit if there is a wall node close to the desired position behind the fireplace, but the frame must FIRST be lifted off of the floor before moving it to the wall. Use the Shift and Control keys with the Move, Rotate, and Scale commands to achieve customer placements. It may also be possible to place display table and picture items on the top mantle, but that is dependent on the availability of close wall nodes.

Shown below with AnakaTarren's Firelogs (see link above). All items below are sold separately and available in AnakaTarren's catalog.

Information for Developers:
Check out all AnakaTarren derivables (click here)!

AnakaTarren’s Trigger Word List

fireplace large deriveanakatarren