Triggers are "mable" & "heart1"

Do you believe in ghosts? You will after you hear this story and walk around the old factory.

It's inhabited by an old woman named Mable, she currently haunts this old clockworks factory in western Ny. Sounds were heard from the new owners as the inspected the property, and after interviewing the neighbors, the owners found out the gruesome truth about their investment.

One older woman still living next door that worked at the clockworks factory told them that it was there for 30 + years before the old place was quickly abandoned by it's previous owners and employees. People became ill and fell victim to horrible tragedies. Trees came crashing through the windows , and a pack of dogs somehow got in and started attacking the died from his throat being torn out.

Everytime it stormed the lights would go out and the electricity played cruel tricks on anyone inside. Blue sparks were said to shoot out of the electrical sockets and fly right at people. An employee left to go home one day after reporting that he was ill and was never seen again. The floor opened up one day as if there was an earthquake and 2 people fell in, no one was hurt.

Investigators more recently have found out that piece of land is an old grave site of an insane asylum that was closed down for it's cruel treatment of the residents. They had an approved graveyard for people without families, and the old clockworks factory sits right on top of it.

I was called in by the current owners to investigate this paranormal activity. EVP, orbs, sightings were all caught by equiptment, and it's main energy is a nurse that worked at the asylum. She had quite a bit to say about us being there, and was not very receptive.

She was responsible for birthing unwanted babies from female residents. She disposed of them in a ritual way that is unspeakable. Disciplinary measures that were enforced were horrific. The piece of floor that opened up years ago turned out to be a hole that they put residents in that misbehaved with each other.

There are many layers of ghosts in the old clockworks factory, growling dogs are heard outside and none can be seen. Buzzing and zaps of electricity can be heard but nothing is apparently out of order.

Enter this room with CAUTION.........Mable may visit if you call her name. So the trigger word is "mable"...the other is "heart1"....then you can heard the sounds of horror.