Voice Box Tutorial

This product is for deriving only. Please do not buy this!

This is an empty voicebox available for content creators to derive from. Please visit my page to get detail instructions how to make your own sound/voice box including recording and editing sounds.

Adding sounds to your Voice box:

For each sound you wish to add to your voice box you need to complete these 5 steps.


  • 1. Press “+Add” to make room for a new sound.

  • 2. Write a trigger word that will play the sound when using the voice box. The word may contain letters and numbers but no spaces.

  • 3. Press “+ Add .OGG” and locate your sound file (.ogg) that you wish to be played with the trigger word you picked in step 2.

  • 4. Press “Apply Changes”.

  • 5. To make sure the sound works, press “Play”. This will test your sound and you should hear it being played.

Now repeat these steps until you have added all sounds to your voice box. When complete press “Save” and “Upload”.

If you wish to get a more detailed tutorial with descriptions how to make and edit our own sounds please press this button.

Press one of these buttons to start deriving from an empty voice box. The male and female inventory voice boxes are identical, they work for all avatars no matter gender. It doesnt matter wich one of these you derive from.

The same link "Derive from product" can be found at the bottom of this product page.

If you don't see the link in your web browser or the buttons doesn't work then please make sure you are logged in and already signed up to the creator program.